Devin Bates’ Portfolio

Devin Bates is a student at Simon Fraser University, majoring in Philosophy with a minor in Publishing.

He is also the editor-in-chief for the SFU Undergraduate Philosophy Journal Jove’s Bodega.

For all inquries, please email:
dkwok2003 (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m

Digital Ephemera

Each piece of advertisement has its unique needs and challenges to overcome when connecting with its target audience.

Jove’s Bodega enjoys a very casual aesthetic, leaning towards youthful, fun, ‘memeic’ design choices. Its goal is to draw in would be authors by using photocomposition and non-formal deliver of subject matter.

Magazine Layout

The Unlucky Sophia Crenshaw:

The design of this magazine spread had a very specific goal: To help weave the fantastic into the believable.

Pan-Paranormal gives readers a suspense because it strikes so close to human experience. The reader may dismiss its stories as false, yet something about them is entirely plausible. The design must therefore represent this depection between truth and fiction. I focused on appropriate photocompositon and plently of white space so each element felt as though it were supposed to be impactful.

Panparanormal first spread

Spaces Between

Although this document is formatted similiar to a magazine, its contents are closer to a photographer’s Artbook.

Spaces Between is a personal journey which expresses the artist’s experience of between culture, language, time and space. Its a very personal piece, and focuses heavily on bilingual communication and photography. However, it is also somewhat ironic and critical of fashion and the mainstream media. Therefore, I’ve chosen to embrace some typographic elements as ironic, but by in large subvert those expectations by choosing to lay out images asymmetrically to the point where they run and bleed across the physical document.


Brochures are all about economy. How much can you afford in physical space, and how can you do that in a pleasing manner.

Book Layout

