Jove’s Bodega
As some or none of you may know, I’m also the editor-in-chief for a fledgling academic journal at Simon Fraser University known as Jove’s Bodega. Well, once a year, we round up all our submissions into a little compendium to showcase the bright minds in SFU philosophy.
For this post, I thought I’d do some cross-posting and share some of the designs I’ve used for this year’s publication.
So may I present to you…..
Ooooo, Ahhhhhh, so fancy. I love how academic covers utilize the abstract. My goal was to follow that tradition and to capture that squishy essence of philosophy visually. But the real sweet meat is its table of contents.
I mentioned that our journal is fledgling. That’s because we only received four submissions last year! It’s okay. There’s something romantic in humility; as any good cook will tell you, it’s not how many ingredients you use, it’s how you use ’em. So the table of contents is usually designed in a utilitarian fashion. It has to optify space and content. The more content, the less space. However, the same is true in reverse: the less content, the more space. And when there’s more space, there’s room to play and titillate the reader. I discovered when you have only four submissions, the amount of space available is vast, and as a result, a table of contents can be as fanciful as one desire.
So in celebration of my food metaphor, my table of contents was much like a fancy tasting-menu.
Bon Appétit!
Excuse me, waiter?
Yes, sir?
Is the epistemology locally sourced?
Not quite, sir. You see, the topic for this evening has universal applicability as it pertains to our knowledge of God’s existence. However, because it is universalizable, you could also make the argument that it is both locally sourced and non-locally sourced.
Jokes Aside
I’m immensely proud of the four undergrads who put in the extra time and effort to pursue becoming a published author. It’s exciting to see the finished work, and I can only imagine great things for their futures. Hopefully, people will become interested in publishing with the journal as well!
Feel free to swing by Jove’s Bodega and check out their work, or if you are interested, submit your own philosophical inquiry with us!